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Knotty Girl

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TAE Class Exercise

December, 2021

This is an illustration of the first class in a course called Thinking at the Edge (TAE) taught by Evelyn Fendler-Lee. Developed by Eugene Gendlin, TAE is a way of working with ideas for life, inner work, and creative projects, taking them further from a murky unknown edge by asking questions of yourself. The first class was dedicated to "clearing a space," an exercise of gaining awareness of how we are present with our partner.

Lecture cover.JPG

A lecture about my research in Jerusalem provoked nervousness when the projector failed. This prompted a Focusing process of reckoning with more helpful, supportive ways of relating and interacting with people. Here are some snippets.


I gave a lecture about my book this week


But the projector failed despite my checking it the day before

The Lecture


I was speaking about borders in Jerusalem and wanted to use maps and pictures


People seemed to tune out


I spoke to fill the space, the words nervously streaming out of me. I wanted the listeners to experience something of what I felt in my encounters


Like the delight of a Palestinian woman demonstrating a childhood game of five stones


Or my wonder at an Iraqi Jewis man's recollection of Passover before 1948, when Arab villagers from Lifta came to exchange their fresh produce for matza

Sitting with this two days later, I feel a heaviness on my chest

Then on my left side, towards my neck

Like a concrete slab from the separation barrier. It was cold, lifeless

The slab dissolved and transformed into a dense woolly material


Perhaps I could engage with people in a more direct way

After Months of Isolation

In Hebrew, right to left. Click on each image to enlarge.

April 2020

Morning focusing session with Hilla

In Hebrew, right to left.

January 2020

Focusing panel 1.jfif
Focusing panel 2.jfif
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