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Focusing    Journal

A creative way to get in touch with your inner experience  through a gently guided visual process. Let's have a peak inside. It's easier when we do it together.

Focusing Journal is a process of sensing inside and allowing your body's wisdom to arrive on the page. It is a way of revealing what you already know - the next step of healing, personal growth, or answer to a dilemma.


This practice is different from "regular" journaling. Each session invites a delicate exploration of the felt quality of a situation or feeling, and allows it to transform on the page--as colors, words, shapes, or movement.


The Process

Behold with curiosity & gratitude what has come to the page. Add the support that you need. Take the process further with a listener. Think of this as a way to deepen the contact with your inner knowing, honing self-trust and wisdom.

Slowing down and turning inward, you allow the felt quality of your experience to bypass the analytical mind, and travel through the hand to the page.


When you can get your arms around it, it becomes so much easier. This is where we can heal, feel more present, integrated, and tuned into the stream of life.

Themes & Templates are offered on a rotating basis, and participants are welcome to make requests and adjustments.

Please check the Workshops tab for current offerings.


1- Clearing a space and supporting my process

2- Working on a single issue

3- Affect & background feelings

4- Acknowledging my gifts & strengths

5- Inviting particular qualities to my life & process

6- Channels of Communication

Logistics & Requirements


* Blank paper, writing implements, and colors that you like to work with.

* A stable internet connection. Working on a phone is not recommended.

* Some experience with Focusing is helpful but not required. If new to Focusing, let's have a conversation to check if this right for you.

* Each session lasts between 90 and 120 minutes.


Please email me at or go to the contact form.

I will then provide payment options and answer any questions you may have


How Focusing Journal developed

As someone who gravitates toward visual ways of making sense of my experience, I intuitively began this journaling as a way to be in touch with myself, especially when I couldn't find a focusing partner. 


I have developed this process into a series of workshops, where solo practice can be held and enriched in the presence of others. Currently I am developing a physical journal with templates that you will be able to carry with you.

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